Hello and Welcome!

Congratulations, you’ve been invited by @CLIENT_NAME@ to provide information to Sterling in order to initiate a screening service for employment and/or other opportunities.

What to expect

  • Based on your location, we’ll need your disclosure and authorization to begin this process and you’ll be provided your rights under applicable laws, which govern collection, use and disclosure of personal information and screening for employment, contract work or volunteer purposes.
  • The information you provide is confidential and will only be disclosed to the recipients listed on the authorization form.
  • You may be asked for associated documents related to the information that you provide. Note that any files you upload must be 5MB or less.
  • To speed up the process, you may be asked to provide information that may include:
    • Address history and previous names used
    • Employment- details about current and previous employers
    • Education- schools you’ve attended, along with dates and any other name used
    • Reference- names and contact information
    • Credentials- type of credential and relevant dates

Please allow about 20 minutes to complete the process.

This is not the most current invitation.
Please check for a new email.